No Bed of Roses for Rosie -The Story of a Pit Bull Left at a High-Kill Shelter

no bed of roses for rosie the story of a pit bull left at a high kill shelter FI

Before we dig into the meat of our story, we will tell you that it has a happy ending. It will, however, tug at your heart!

There’s nothing more gut-wrenching than reading about the tens of thousands of pit bulls and other pets left and abandoned by their owner at shelters.

As dog lovers, it’s an unimaginable thing to do because it’s difficult to understand how one considers an animal a dispensable item.

There is an average 72-hour window of hope for an animal left at a shelter. 

If they are not adopted within that time of hope, sadly, most shelters have no other option but to euthanize them.

Rosie is a sweet little 1-year-old pit bull abandoned by her owner at a shelter.

She is one out of thousands of pit bulls who are left at the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles County. This shelter has a very high-kill rate, so her window of hope was short and closing quickly on her.

An animal advocacy group called Saving Carson Shelter Dogs is the saving grace for many dogs that arrive at the shelter.

Operating on their own time with no funding, these angels in disguise go into the shelter and take photos and videos of the dogs and post them on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram page.

Some posts go viral reaching other animal advocates, and before you know it, people are racing against time to help find the dogs a foster or home.

It’s because of these people that Rosie was adopted. Many will send out “Red Code” warnings in hopes of someone rescuing these dogs.

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41% of the Pit Bull Population within the U.S. are seeking adoption.

Raising awareness of the misunderstood pit bull is key to changing the alarming rate of these dogs filling shelters across our nation.

People need to know that a pit bull can make a great family dog, and the misconceptions that are out there about these dogs give them a bad rap.

To the unknowing person, a pit bull is scary looking and appears to be mean.

However, these dogs can play, lick, cuddle, and love you just the same as any other dog, if not more!

If you are looking to adopt or foster a shelter dog, please don’t pass over a pit bull. They deserve the same chance at being loved as any other animal.

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