Can Dogs Have Sugar? Or Does It Have Health Effects

can dogs have sugar

Sugar is an ingredient in almost any processed food that you pick up from supermarket shelves.

dogs and sugar

Candies, sodas, crisps, ice cream, fruit juices, etc. are some foods that everyone universally likes.

And, all of these foods contain added sugar. So, chances are your dog will beg you for something that’s got sugar in it.

But, is sugar safe for dogs to have?

It’s always good practice for you to look a particular food up before giving it to your dog as some common human foods are known toxins to dogs!

Some examples are grapes, chocolate and macadamia nuts among others.

In this article, I will answer the question, “Can dogs have sugar?” in as much detail as possible and share everything you need to know.

So, let’s begin.

Yes or No: Can Dogs Have Sugar?

I’d be lying if I told you that dogs don’t need sugar.

However, the type of sugar they need to survive is often called carbs or carbohydrates.

So, essentially, candy doesn’t provide any nutritional value to your dog, and you should avoid giving processed sugar to your four-legged friend.

That being out of the way, sugar is safe for dogs to consume only if you give it to them in small quantities.

It can be an occasional treat.

But, excess of everything is bad.

sick dog

If your dog has a lot of sugar and sugary treats in his life, he will get an upset stomach which may result in vomiting and diarrhea.

Some sugar-free candies are downright toxic to dogs and can even cause death.

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Too much of sugary treats can cause your furry friend to have cavities in his teeth and lead to excessive weight gain as well.

This may even result in diabetes.

So, in my opinion, it is a good idea to keep your pet as far away from sugar as possible. After all, your dog’s health matters the most.

Moving on…

Fructose and Dogs: Is it Good or Bad?

While the processed sugar is bad for your dog, not all sugars are.

Fructose or fruit sugar provides your furry friend’s body with much-needed energy.

Fruits are the best source of this sugar, and they make excellent treats. However, keep in mind that your doggy friend can’t have all kinds of fruits.

It is best to look up fruit before giving it to your dog.

While some fruits are safe for your furry friend, others may even be toxic. Bananas, apples, and pears are the best choices.

Xylitol and Dogs: What You Need to Know

Since sugar is bad for your dog, sugar-free candy is a good choice, right?


Sugar-free candy contains artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol which is more dangerous for dogs and far more toxic.

In fact, if given in large enough quantities, Xylitol can even kill your furry friend.

A small sugary treat will be a better option.

Chocolates and Dogs

One thing almost everyone universally loves is chocolate.

is chocolate bad for dogs

However, you need to keep chocolate as far away from your dog as possible as it contains theobromine which is toxic to dogs and just as dangerous as Xylitol.

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Sticking to fruit seems like the best idea, right?

Final Words: Can Dogs Have Sugar or is it Unsafe?

While sugar is safe for dogs to consume, it can lead to short-term as well as long-term problems if given in large enough quantities.

Some dog treats also contain sugar which is perfectly normal.

However, you need to put a limit on how much sugar your dog consumes per day.

Practically, sugar doesn’t have any nutritional value for dogs but, it tastes just as good.

If you want your dog to have a yummy treat, fruits are the best choice.

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