Can Dogs Eat Quinoa

can dogs eat quinoa

Fun Facts Discovered: Can Dogs Eat Quinoa?


There was a time, in history, when people ate what was offered by the earth. These types of foods included fruits and vegetables that grew naturally in the area as well as any game that could be caught and killed for their meat. 

can dogs eat quinoa

The game would also be used as clothing and shelter (the animal’s fur coat), and their hardware (hooves, antlers, etc.) could be used as weapons or utensils.

Today, food is everywhere! Food that is already prepared for us to consume, food that is already harvested or caught. We can also grow our own food in gardens or farm our own meat (beef, fish, turkey, chicken, etc.).

While much of the human race has become accustomed to this new feeding frenzy, there are those who attempt to follow the old-fashioned (and more natural) way of feeding ourselves and our families. These people are considered “health nuts” and eat “weird” foods such as quinoa.

Have You Heard Of Quinoa? 

Is it a healthy food to have in our diets? Is it safe for our furry friends to eat as well? These “health nuts” may believe that what they eat their dog should eat. This may include quinoa.

However, these “healthy” foods for people may not be “healthy” or even necessary for canine consumption. 

What is Quinoa?

Quinoa is a type of plant that is similar to buckwheat, beetroots, spinach, and tumbleweeds. This plant is generally not consumed as a whole. The seeds are quite commonly eaten and are considered the most edible part of the plant.

 Quinoa is often cooked in a similar fashion to rice and can be included in almost any dish. It is very popular amongst the vegetarians in the word. The leaves of the plant can be eaten, but are rarely found for sale.

These seeds are very healthy for humans because they provide lysine (an amino acid) as well as calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Quinoa seeds are also high in protein which is a huge benefit to the vegetarian community.

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 Fiber, various B vitamins as well as minerals are found in large quantities in the Quinoa seeds. Once the seeds are cooked, they can lose some of their nutritional value. However, they are still a great additive to any meal.

The seeds are gluten-free and easy for the body to digest which contributes to their wide range of health benefits for all!

For the entire human race, anyway. The nutritional value to humans is non-debatable. The real question remains, is quinoa a safe and healthy treat or our canine buddies?

Can dogs eat Quinoa seeds?

Quinoa seeds are a very light type of food. This is one of the benefits of the food as it will not fill your stomach like potatoes would. Dogs can, in fact, eat quinoa seeds!

However, there are some points to take into consideration before you provide them to your pooch. 

Allow your dog to try the quinoa seeds in a small amount. Observe him and if he seems to have a positive reaction to the seeds, then it may be safe to provide more. 

In fact, there is special dry doggie kibble that contains quinoa seeds already in it. If your pooch seems to enjoy these quinoa seeds, then consider switching to one of these quinoa dog foods on the market.

If this is a route that you are considering, then it is important that you mix a little of the new kibble with a little of the old kibble for about a week. This way, your dog will not become ill from the quick change in kibble.

Quinoa seeds are one of the super foods that we hear so much about! That is because there are hardly any negative aspects to it. In fact, quinoa seeds are considered such a quality food that you and your dog should have in your diets!

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On the other hand, if the seeds are not introduced to him slowly then he could have an adverse reaction to it simply because it is new to him.

You can check with your veterinarian before offering the quinoa seeds to your dog to find out her position on the matter. If she advises against it, then it is encouraged that you follow her direction over anyone else’s.

Assuming that your veterinarian has agreed that quinoa seeds are beneficial to your dog’s health and has given you the green light to proceed with a taste test then you can feel confident about doing so.

Before you give your dog a taste test of quinoa seeds, rinse them with clean water and cook them. This process is important to remove the saponin coating that is likely very toxic to canines.

Once the seeds are rinsed and cooked, then you may offer a small amount (about a teaspoon) to your pooch. If he enjoys it, then you may proceed. If he does not like it, doesn’t eat it at all, or if he does eat it and he reacts poorly to it, then you should end the experiment there.

Any adverse reactions such as itching in a particular area of the body, inflammation or oral pain, as well as drooling and vomiting, should be addressed with the veterinarian. It would not be surprising if your pooch did become ill after trying some quinoa for the first time.

Canines are carnivores after all and Quinoa is a plant-based food. The canine digestive system is not equipped to digest plant-based foods as well as it is equipped to digest meaty meals.

Observation is the key when introducing any new food to your animals. This is particularly the case for any human foods. Adverse reactions should be noted, brought to the attention of the veterinarian and the food should not be offered to the animal again.

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Final thoughts to sum up:

Your canine would likely benefit from quinoa seeds being added to his diet. They can provide him with vitamins and minerals that could improve his overall health and wellness.

However, quinoa seeds are still considered a “human food” which means that it should be introduced to your pooch slowly and in small amounts. After you offer the new food to your dog, you should observe him for positive reactions as well as adverse responses.

The result you see will be the deciding factor as to how you proceed. Also, consulting your veterinarian beforehand never hurt anything and is suggested before introducing any new food to your beloved pet. 

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