Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes

Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes

Dogs love Thanksgiving as much as humans so—not for the same reasons, though.

My dog loves to sit under the table and beg anyone and everyone for some food.

Although we have strict rules about not feeding the dog under the table, I, sometimes, so slip him some food.

Mashed potatoes are easy to make and commonly found on the Thanksgiving table.

But, are they safe for your furry friend to have?

In this article, I will answer the question, “Can dogs have mashed potatoes?” in as much detail as I can.

Let’s get started!

Yes or No: Can Dogs Have Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, dogs can have mashed potatoes but only in small amounts.

It is not recommended that you feed your dog a significant amount of this dish.

Just because a particular food is good for a dog to consume, doesn’t mean that your furry friend should have it.

Mashed potatoes aren’t necessarily toxic to dogs or bad for them in any way but, they aren’t healthy either.

Popular ingredients used to make mashed potatoes include milk, butter, garlic, etc. that can cause your dog to have many problems.

However, plain mashed potatoes are an occasional safe treat for your furry friend to enjoy.

Mashed potatoes don’t provide your doggy friend with all the nutrients that he needs. So, give them to him as a treat—not a meal!

Problematic Ingredients in Mashed Potatoes for Dogs

In this section of the article, I will go through why certain ingredients used to make mashed potatoes are unsafe for your furry friend.

RELATED:  Can Dogs Have Raw Potatoes

Let’s begin!

Butter and Milk

Milk and butter are popular ingredients used to make mashed potatoes as they add texture and taste to the recipe.

However, if you’ll share your homemade mashed potatoes with your furry friend, it is best to leave out the butter and milk. 

Since both butter and milk are dairy products, they aren’t easily digestible by dogs.

If you give your small dog amounts of mashed potatoes then, it should be fine and shouldn’t have any adverse effects.

american pitbull puppy

Feeding your dog mashed potatoes in a large quantity can cause diarrhea.

Gravy and Sour Cream

Sour cream and gravy are two popular toppings that make mashed potatoes taste even better.

If you add these toppings to your recipe, chances are you’ll feed them to your dog as well.

Both sour cream and gravy are not okay for dogs to consume.

Gravy is very high in sodium, and a medium-sized shouldn’t consume more than 100 milligrams of sodium per day.

One or two tablespoons of gravy contain more sodium than that.

Eating foods rich in sodium will make your furry friend excessively thirsty.

This means that your dog’s kidney would have to do some extra work to get rid of the excessive sodium which is bad and can cause harm.


Mashed potatoes recipes are known to contain garlic which is toxic to dogs.

can dogs have garlic

If you added garlic to your mashed potatoes, then you should keep them as far away from your furry friend as possible.

Even a small amount of garlic can prove to be dangerous for your furry friend—especially if your dog is small in size.

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Can I Feed My Dog Instant Mashed Potatoes?

Feeding your furry friend some instant mashed potatoes isn’t a good idea.

They are known to contain several ingredients that aren’t healthy for your furry friend, and some of these ingredients may even be dangerous for or toxic to your dog.

The Instant mashed potatoes you find in the supermarket are rich in sodium, which isn’t at all good for your dog.

Having too much sodium can even cause Salt poisoning among various other problems.

Instant mashed potatoes contain various additional seasonings, including as chives and garlic, both of which are toxic to dogs.

Instant mashed potatoes may even have a high cheese content, which isn’t too good for your dog either.

And, finally, instant mashed potatoes also contain milk and butter which enhance the flavor of the food but, cause various problems as well.

So, no instant mashed potatoes for your furry friend.

Final Words: Can Dogs Have Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, dogs can have mashed potatoes in small amounts if they don’t contain any ingredients toxic to dogs like onions or garlic.

Just because a certain food is good for a dog to consume, doesn’t mean that your furry friend should have it.

Mashed potatoes aren’t necessarily toxic to dogs or bad for them in any way but, they aren’t healthy either.

So, small quantities on occasion won’t hurt your dog but, try to avoid giving them to him on a regular basis.

I hope this article is helpful in answering the question, can dogs have mashed potatoes.

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