Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

can dogs eat eggs

Eating eggs with your canine buddy around is not an easy task. That drooling mouth and big puppy eyes, begging you to feed them some of those eggs. Ugh! How can you ignore that cute face?

While dogs behave like that around all sorts of food items, they have this special love for eggs. In fact, if you don’t feed them eggs on your own, they might steal some from your plate on any chance they get.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures after all!

But are you asking yourself the question “Can the Dogs eat eggs”? And are these eggs actually good for their health?

Well, today we are going to answer that question for you…

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

What is the history behind dog’s obsessive behavior around eggs?

Dogs weren’t always domesticated animals. Years before humans decided to keep dogs as pets, they lived in the wild.

Being wild animals, dogs loved to hunt and scavenge for food. With no humans to feed them, they used to look around for food and eggs were on their menu.

Whenever they would come across a nest filled with eggs, they happily ate them up as a meal. So, you can say that your dog loves eggs because it’s part of its instinct to want eggs.

Just like I can’t live without chocolate, dogs can’t give up eggs! After all, their ancestors loved them.

Now, this history leads us to our second question.

Are Eggs Safe For Your Dog To Consume?

History of dogs’ eating habits proves that eggs are safe for your dog.

You can feed eggs to your dogs without worrying about poisoning or allergy of any sort.

But caution must be taken. We will get to that shortly.

But first.

Are Eggs As Nutritious For Your Dogs As They Are For You?

Are Eggs As Nutritious For Your Dogs As They Are For You

It’s a known fact that eggs are incredibly healthy for humans. But are they as nutritious for your furry buddies?

The answer is, Yes.

Eggs can be as nutritious for your canine as they are for you. If you look up the ingredients in your dog’s food products, you might find eggs listed in there.

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So let’s discuss all those important nutrients your dog can get from eggs.

Eggs Are a Great Source of Protein.

Your dog needs lots of protein to grow and lead a healthy life. Protein is an important part of any canine’s diet. There are lots of products that can help your dog fulfil its daily protein requirements.

But here we have a question for you. What is better? A good source of protein that’s really expensive or a good source of protein that’s super cheap but yet high quality?

If your answer is a good source of protein that is cheap. Then eggs are your best friend!

Eggs contain lots and lots of amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. So when your dog eats eggs, its body makes proteins that keep them healthy and happy.

But that’s not the only benefits dogs get from eggs.

Eggs Provide Nutrients Such As Minerals and Vitamins For Your Dog

Like all other living beings, your dog also needs different vitamins and minerals to live a healthy life.

Eggs are no less than a superfood for your furry buddy. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are vital for your dog to have an active and healthy appearance.

Eggs contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and iron. All three of these nutrients are extremely beneficial. They help in improving the health of your dog’s coat and even make its skin beautiful.

Eggs are also a good source of folate, riboflavin, selenium and fatty acids. All these are extremely beneficial for your dog.

So, of course, your dog loves eggs. After all, it’s not only humans who desire beautiful skin, dogs want it too.

Now that we have discussed the benefits of eggs. Let’s move on to the myths surrounding eggs and the bad impact they can have on your dog’s health.

Keep watching because we will help you figure out if those really are just myths or have some truth hidden in them.

Eggs Can Cause Biotin Deficiency in Dogs.

Biotin is a very important B vitamin. It is very important for your dog’s cellular growth, fatty acid metabolism, and healthy skin and coat.

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So can adding eggs in your dog’s diet really make them have a biotin deficiency?

Hmm, let’s see.

It’s true that egg whites contain an enzyme that is a biotin inhibitor. But at the same time, the yolk of an egg contains a high amount of biotin.

It is rare to see biotin deficiency in dogs unless they are eating a big amount of egg whites.

So as long as you feed your dog whole eggs, there is nothing to worry about.

Eggs Interfere With a Dog’s Digestive System

dog digestive system

Here’s another myth that makes dog owners think twice about adding eggs to their dog’s diet.

But how much of it is true? Let’s say some of it is.

Egg whites have enzyme inhibitors that can interfere with digestion. These enzyme inhibitors especially affect the digestion of older dogs and young pups.

But that doesn’t mean you have to let those poor dogs stare at you while you eat those deliciously scrambled eggs.

If you are giving your dog a well-balanced diet, a few eggs a week won’t harm it in any way.

You can initially give your dog one egg a week to make sure that it isn’t harming its digestive health in any way. If all is good, you can increase canine’s egg intake.

Hence the problem solved!

Let’s move on to our next myth.

Eggs Can Increase the Risk of Dogs Getting Salmonella.

Believe it or not but these furry buddies are tougher than they appear. Your canine can easily tackle any bacteria in its food.

But being a loving owner, you obviously need to take care of your baby. You can do that by making sure that you feed your dog good quality eggs.

Those eggs should be organic if posibble and they should be stored in a cool place to keep any extra bacteria from growing.

And now we are down to one last myth.

Cholesterol in Eggs is Bad For Your Dog’s Health.

Not sure who came up with this but here’s the thing, cholesterol doesn’t affect dogs the same way it affects humans.

The yolk of an egg contains lots of good cholesterol. But unlike humans, dogs do not develop any cholesterol-related illnesses.

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So don’t be mean and feed your dog the whole egg and not just egg whites. You might be on a diet but that poor dog isn’t.

So are you convinced now that eggs really are beneficial for your dog and don’t cause any harm?

If the answer is yes. Let’s discuss the most important things.

What is the Proper Way to Feed Eggs to Dogs?

One egg contains about seventy calories. So you need to keep the size of your dog in mind before feeding it eggs.

It is better to feed eggs as a dog treat rather than a meal.

Always keep the ten per cent treat rule in your mind. That is, a treat should make up only ten percent of your dog’s diet.

So let’s say if your dog needs a thousand calories a day. You can treat it with eggs worth a hundred calories.

Feed Your Dog The Whole Egg.

By whole egg, we don’t mean egg white and yolk. The whole egg means that you should feed your dog the shell too.

The eggshell is extremely nutritious and can be valuable for your dog if it has difficulty eating bones.

You can grind up the shell of an egg into a fine powder and sprinkle it on top of their meals for extra nutrition.

No Raw Eggs.

can dogs eat raw eggs

Raw eggs have the most amount of nutrients in them. But they also have a lot of bacteria in them.

So it is better to avoid raw eggs as they may affect the health of your pooch.

Boil It or Scramble It.

An egg cooked in any way is just as healthy for your pooch.

If your dog loves scrambled eggs, that should be it. But make sure that you prepare those scrambled eggs plain. They should be free of any seasoning, butter or other ingredients. Because that will not only take away all the benefits but also make it dangerous for your canine.

Experts think that it is best to feed your dog, hard-boiled eggs. As they do not have any oil or seasoning on them.

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