Sasha The Superhero!

An 8-month-old pit bull named Sasha has become famous for her courageous act of protection.
As Sasha’s family slept, a fire broke out in a neighboring apartment.
Sasha’s owner (Nana Chaichandhda) was alerted by Sasha making noise at the back door.
“I was awakened by my pit bull pup, Sasha, who was banging and crying at my backyard door.”
Confused about why her puppy was being so disruptive, Nana went to check on Sasha.
Approaching the backdoor, she realized there was a fire nearby.
Nana opened the door, and Sasha darted into the apartment.
Sasha’s protective instinct kicked into action and ran to Nana’s bedroom where her 7-month-old baby was laying on the bed.
Sasha grabbed the baby by the diaper and began to drag the it off the bed. Nana stated,
“I ran into the bedroom where Sasha was already dragging my 7-month-old baby off the bed by her diaper. Thanks to Sasha we were able to get out safe and call 911.”
Once outside, Nana then realized that her cousin’s apartment next door was in flames.
The fire engulfed Nana’s home destroying most of the apartment complex. “Little did I know Sasha would become my hero.”
Nana stated that she wants to change the negative stereotype towards pit bulls through sharing this story.
Sasha’s heroism and instinct to protect saved Nana and her baby.
“I owe her everything. If it weren’t for her, I would have still been in bed, and things could have taken a bad turn,” Nana said.
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