Homeless, Hurt, and Hiding – The story of a young pit bull’s rescue after someone saw her get struck by a car.

homeless, hurt, and hiding - the story of a young pit bull’s rescue after someone saw her get struck by a car FI

Our hearts go out to the many animals that wander the streets with no place to go.

One such animal is Jezebel. She was hit by a car, and luckily someone saw the incident and contacted a local rescue agency to come to help the dog.

This woman stayed with the frightened dog until help arrived.

Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws Rescue in Los Angeles pulled up to where the terrified and injured pit bull lay.

Jezebel was up underneath a car parked alongside the curb on a busy street.

It was going to take the effort of several to get this poor pup out and into his van.

Carefully, two of them placed harnesses around Jezebel’s neck and pulled her out and over to the sidewalk.

She was shaking terribly and growling from the pain she was in. They continued to coax her into a cage where they loaded her up. Jezebel was no longer a prisoner of the streets.

Jezebel’s injuries were limited to bruising throughout her body, and once she received medical care, she was on her way to recovery and feeling better.

Hope for Paws is a full-time rescue effort with just a hand full of people operating on nothing more than donations.

The work is never-ending in saving the lives of animals from cats to dogs, birds, wildlife, and more.

Eldad’s love for animals is evident in his conviction in helping these living creatures when hope is nearly gone. He and his staff are on call 24/7 ready to respond.

As for Jezebel, her adventure to becoming a better version of herself continued. Farren Mahone, Trainer with Board and Behave, took Jezebel to her facility to work with the dog.

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Months of intense rehab work was devoted to Jezebel. Through the patience of the staff and Farren at Board and Behave, this pit bull came out of her shell and has a zest for life.

It is unsure whether or not Jezebel has been adopted as of yet, but we can bet that whoever does take her home with them, they are getting a truly wonderful dog.

Jezebel is a perfect ambassador of how the right training, love, and nurture can bring out the sweet dog that hides within.

Trauma in most homeless or abused dogs is something our culture focuses on rather than looking past that and seeing the soul that rests behind the pain and fear.

Don’t judge a book by its cover, for you will fail to see what the real story is inside. The same is true for pit bulls!

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