This Realtor has made it her mission to help families with Pitbulls find a new place to live!


Any family that has opened their hearts (and their homes) to adopting a Pitbull has faced the hardships of finding a new place to live that is accepting of the breed.

Pitbulls are almost always banned from apartment complexes and condos.

Many sellers will refuse to sell a single family home to a family with a Pitbull as well.

These restrictions caused by the negative breed stigmas are everywhere!

Luckily, there is a real estate agent out there that is serving as a “superhero” for these families.

Source: PitSisters

Amanda Gross is a real estate agent who lives in Jacksonville, Florida.

Amanda Gross has chosen to devote herself and her career to improving the moving experience of families with Pitbulls.

She wants to ensure that these families find a new place to live that suits their living needs without forcing them to give up their lovable Pit.

     “It’s about the families who have the task of moving, and it is about keeping families together in the process,” Amanda explains.

Source: PitSisters

Gross also explains that while she has never personally dealt with this unfortunate situation, she has become quickly aware of a lot of people who are struggling to find a home that will allow their Pit.

Amanda Gross is a born and raised Jacksonville, Florida native, and she too owns a Pitbull.

Bambam is two years old, and fortunately for her, she was never refused housing because of him.

She also owns a Miniature Australian Shepherd named Lola (who is a year old).

Amanda, Bambam, and Lola may not be experiencing housing hardships, but Amanda says that she still takes her mission personally as she understands the stigmas that follow the Pitbull breed.

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“I realized there was such a huge need for somebody to help these families,” she says.

“We are contacted every day by families who are trying to keep their dogs, but because of how they are labeled they are unable to find housing,” says Jennifer Deane, president of the Jacksonville-based nonprofit Pit Sisters. “

Pets are part of the family, and we are so glad that Amanda recognizes that, and wants to help families find housing so they can keep their pets,” says Jennifer.

Source: PitSisters

Amanda is becoming a well-known real estate agent and Pitbull family superhero across Jacksonville, Florida.

Her special services are helping these families and can help yours too if you consider moving there!

Jacksonville, Florida is a warm and beautiful location that offers a wide variety of things to do, and as an added bonus it is a no kill community.

If you’re not sold on moving your Pitbull-loving family to Jacksonville, Florida but, her superhero ways still inspire you then you may want to consider raising positive Pitbull dog breed awareness in your area.

Amanda Gross says that she hopes that one-day communities will no longer need a Pitbull superhero and that the stigmas that follow the breed will disappear for good!

“I would like to see the day where Pit Bulls and other breeds like them are not discriminated against,” says Gross.

“We can overcome the prejudice and begin lifting the bans on these breeds.”

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