Pitwiller – Pitbull Rotweiller Mix


A Pitbull with a Twist of Rottweiler


rottweiler dog

Pitweiler – The Perfect Protector!

The Pitweiler is a powerhouse combination of both the American Pitbull Terrier and the Rottweiler.

The allegiance of both breeds makes the Pitweiler a great dog.

The marriage of the two breeds makes this dog a dynamic beauty!

Rottweiler Origins

The “Rotty” originated in Germany and was bred to herd and drive cattle for both cattle owners and butchers alike as far back as 700 A.D.

Trains replaced the cattle drives and instead the cattle were hauled by train. 

The need of the Rottweiler for cattle drives was no longer necessary.

Because of this, the population of the Rottweiler breed declined.

rottweiler photos

This dog is highly intelligent and courageous. It is common to find Rottweilers being used as military or police dogs because of their prowess.

American Pitbull Terrier

The American Pitbull Terrier was initially bred in the U.K. for dogfighting.

This bloodsport is the main reason many are quick to judge this breed as dangerous and aggressive.

When trained to fight, there is of course aggression; however, when raised and nurtured in a loving home, this breed is sweet and gentle.

This breed is widely recognized with the United Kennel Club of England. However, it has not entirely made it into the American Kennel Club.

pitbull puppy

A theory that the Pitbull was bred with terriers in the 1800s. Selective breeding over time has encouraged a stockier appearance.


Although it is not known when or where this mixed breed came from, it can be said that the intentional combination of both the American Pitbull Terrier and the Rottweiler was to design a breed that was unique and strong.

pitbull rottweiler mix

Instagram: Angidoggo

Physical Traits of a Pitweiler

This popular mixed breed has distinct physical characteristics.

  • Medium Size
  • Muscular and Robust Build
  • Attentively Alert
  • Black with Mahogany markings around eyes, cheeks, and muzzle
  • Head is Short and Stocky
  • Height is 21-23 inches
  • Weight is 65 – 100 lbs

Pitweiler Temperament

As with any other breed of dog, there are important things to consider before adopting a Pitweiler.

Meeting the dog and quietly observing are the two most essential tools to find out a dog’s temperament.

Although a Pitweiler appears to be calm, there are a few things to observe and look for.

Response to Strangers: 

This serves as an indicator of how the dog will respond to strangers that enter your home or in the area the dog is in.

Approach the dog slowly and stand for a minute. If the dog shows he is interested in you by sniffing you, that’s a positive sign.

Slowly pet the dog and pull your hand back.

If the dog moves towards you to be patted again, that’s great. The dog should not shy away at any point or attempt to hide.


If the dog did not initially warm up or accept you as a stranger, do not attempt this.

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Pitweilers tend to be difficult to handle when bathing or trimming nails.

To get an idea of how the dog will be when handled, begin to touch and pick up each foot. Lift up the dog’s lips to look at the teeth.

If the dog shies away or shakes, this is an indicator of difficulty handling later on down the road.

pitweiler puppy

Instagram Ali.therottie

Response to Noise or Stimulus: 

To test the dog with his response, drop a hat nearby or clap your hands. The dog should not have any reaction.

If it does, the dog may have a nervous reaction that may prove to be dangerous down later on.


This requires caution because we don’t want to harm any children, but it’s important to know if the Pitweiler is going to be child-friendly.

You can either walk the dog near a playground or have your child walk by the dog.

It should wag its tail and show interest in meeting the child and not shy away.

If the dog does shy away or appears to be completely disinterested, this can be a critical indicator of how this dog will be around children if provoked.


As with children, if you have other pets in the household, the Pitweiler should be accepting of those pets.

Pitweilers can show aggression towards other dogs and animals.

To test the dog out, you can introduce it to other pets that are in the safe confines of a kennel or crate.

The Pitweiler should be relaxed, tail in a lowered position while wagging.

The ears should be relaxed and forward.

If it instead appears stiff and rigid and has a fixed stare towards the other animal, this is a good indicator of animal aggression.

Guarding of Food or Toys: 

Pitweilers have a tendency also to guard food, toys and other objects. This is vital to know before you take a dog home!

Place a food bowl on the floor near the Pitweiler. Using a stick or something else to keep from reaching near the bowl, attempt to pull the bowl away.

If the dog stares at you or begins to growl, or gobbles the food, this dog will tend to be aggressive.

Check Out This Cool Toy For Pitweilers and larger breeds

How to Train Your Pitweiler

To have a dog that is loyal and intelligent, it’s essential to train them properly.

There is a delicate balance of training, love, and nurture that all go hand-in-hand.

A dog that is well trained is not only happy but knows its place within the family.

Investing time with your dog to train them will result in a great pet as well as a super canine citizen with your home and community.

rottweiler pitbull mix

Instagram: Angidoggo

Get an Early Start

Puppies are trainable at a young age.

However, if you adopt an adult Pitweiler, training is not entirely unattainable. It may require more work and patience.

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Training sessions should be timed at 1-2 minutes per month of age of the dog.

For example, a dog that is nine months old should have a training session should be kept at about 18 minutes each time.

Training Rewards

Reward-based training enforces positivity. Positive reinforcement includes a small treat or generous praise.

The reward should be given immediately if the dog obeyed.

Failing to reward immediately results in confusion in the dog with what is expected of him/her.

Learn and Use the Right Commands

Commands should be short and friendly. Praise should be given to the dog even if it slightly attempts to obey.

Never yell or hit the dog. Doing so reinforces negative behavior not to mention it’s cruelty towards the dog.

Consistency is Vital

Be consistent in rewarding when the dog obeys commands.

Timing is Essential

  • Training should never be done when the dog is sleepy, ill or excitedly wound up.
  • Keep commands to no more than 15 repetitions.
  • When the session is over, reward the dog.
  • Training sessions can be done up to three times a day.

pitweiler care

Instagram: Chewy_and_Indy

“No biting” for Puppies

One of the first things to teach a Pitweiler puppy is “no biting.” Providing the puppy with toys to bite and chew on is essential.

The teething stages in puppies cause them to chew and bite on everything to includes hands and toes. 

If they do attempt to bite or chew, you should make a yelping sound to alert them that it hurts.

If they do not stop, remove yourself from the area of the puppy.

Never hit or tap the puppy’s nose as it will cause them to bite back.


Instagram: Ali.therottie


Barking is a natural behavior in dogs because they are alerting you that a stranger or unwelcomed person is near.

Dogs should learn the “quiet” command so their barking does not become a nuisance or an unwanted behavior.

As soon as they obey the “quiet” command, reward them.

“Sit” and “Stay”

Pitweilers should be taught the “sit” or “stay” command not only because of their size but also so they can be groomed, fed and played with.

  • Place a reward treat in your hand.
  • The dog should be directly in front of you.
  • With a treat in hand, place it close to the dog’s nose.
  • Firmly say “sit” or “stay”
  • As soon as the dog sits or stays, reward with the treat.


Once the “sit” command has been mastered, you can use the “down” command to teach your dog to lay down.

This command keeps your dog from jumping on people.

  • With a reward treat in hand, make sure the dog sees it.
  • Place treat hand near dog’s nose.
  • Say “down” firmly while moving the hand to the floor.
  • As soon as the dog lays down, reward with the treat and shower with praise.
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american pitbull puppy


While your dog is away from you, you will need to squat down, slap your thighs and say, “come” in a friendly tone. Reward with a treat and praise.

Pitweiler Exercise Requirements

Pitweilers require exercise and stimulation at the very minimum of an hour a day.

Failure to provide them with plenty of exercise will result in destructive behaviors that are from becoming bored.

Long walks, playtime in the yard as well as interaction with your dog is required to have a well-behaved dog.

Pitweiler Health Concerns

Common health problems with Pitweilers:

  • Bloat
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Hip Problems
  • Joint Displasia
  • Food Allergies
  • Dry Skin


pitweiler info

Instagram: Chewy_and_Indy

Care for a Pitweiler

Pitweilers do not require a whole lot of care other than the basic:

  • Use a shedding tool and comb the dog’s coat  (this breed is famous for shedding)
  • Brush the dog’s teeth to maintain dental health
  • Keep nails trimmed
  • Maintain vaccinations
  • Clean inside the ears

Cost of Owning a Pitweiler

You can expect to pay $1,000 to $2,000 for a well-bred Pitweiler. Anything less may not be true-bred.

Other incurred expenses:




Collar & Leash

$20 – $30

Exam & Tests

Up to $450

Up to $150

Spay / Neuter



$10 – $20

Flea & Tick Treatment

$20 – $50

Food & Treats

Up to $100


$10 – $15


Up to $150


Up to $100


Up to $50


Up to $50

Pitweiler as Your Family Dog

Pitweilers can be a great family dog providing you have observed and tested the temperament and behavior.

If you are bringing a Pitweiler shelter dog into your home around children, great care and caution should be used.

Shelter dogs may have abusive backgrounds or aggression issues that can cause the dog to attack or harm children.

Pitweiler – FOUR FUN FACTS!

  • Pitweilers are prone to bloat and because of this, it’s better to feed your Pitweiler several small meals throughout the day as opposed to two large meals.
  • Pitweilers have what’s called a “double-coat” where their fur is twice as thick as a normal dogs. This is why they are rated as one of the top breeds that shed the most.
  • Pitweiler females do not do well in the presence of the same sex. Intense socialization is required in order for this to ever happen!
  • Pitweilers make paramount protection dogs because both American Pitbull Terriers and Rottweilers are extremely alert and on guard.

rottweiler in water


Pitweilers can be a very important member of your family provided its temperament and behavior was vetted before introducing it into your home.

Training with this breed is not optional, but required and should be consistent on a daily basis.

This ensures that your dog will be a positive addition to your household.

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