Boy Loves His Tribe Of Pugs

boy loves his tribe of pugs fi

Louie loves nothing more than to be the leader of his pug pack!

A sweet little Scottish boy named Louie never has a dull day as long as his pack of pugs is around. 

Nestled in the hills of Scotland, is a house that is bursting at the seams with laughter, barking, and the pitter patters of pugs

The Flynn family shares their home with two little boys, one of whom is known as Louie. They are passionate dog lovers, especially for the pug breed. 

Neil Flynn and his wife, Lynne,  participate in fundraising events for the Pug Dog Welfare Association that rescues and rehomes pugs in the United Kingdom.

Louie and his pug pack have been featured on The Ellen Show, Good Morning America, and The Today Show

The Flynns breed pugs and their home is always full of pug puppies. Louie loves the puppies and is continuously playing with them. 

The interaction between a little boy and a dog is precious. Each puppy receives a lot of love and socialization because of Louie.

As a baby, Louie would sit in front of the sliding patio doors in his bouncy seat watching the puppies playing outdoors. The pug puppies would often come to the door and entertain Louie with their funny antics. 

Can you imagine the sweet sound of baby giggles that filled the Flynn home? What a joy it would be to hear!

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