Bewildered Pug Pounces At Barking Mobile Device

bewildered pug pounces at barking mobile device fi

“There’s a little puppy in that screen!”

You can’t help but crack up laughing at the cuteness overload of a little pug trying to pounce on a mobile device that’s barking!

The owner of a dog got quite a reaction when he laid a barking tablet device on the floor.

Nao, a three-year-old pug, saw a white puppy on the device. This white dog was barking and moving about.

The more the little white dog would bark, the more Nao tilted her head.

Head-tilting gave way to a gruffy bark and then to pouncing at the device.

Head tilting in dogs melts the hearts of dog lovers around the world because it is so adorable!

We perceive canine head tilting as affectionate communication between ourselves and the dog.

Dogs of all sizes tilt their heads when they try to process sights and sounds in their environment.

A dog’s muzzle gets in the way of their line of sight, and by tilting their head, they can get a better view of where the sound is coming from.

Nao was tilting her head at the tablet’s barking dog on the screen not only to see the dog better but to try and make sense of the sound.

It’s perplexing for a dog to hear another dog through something flat laying on the floor.

Curiosity gave way to bewilderment for Nao causing her to pounce and move about.

The visual cues that a dog hones in on with tilting the head tell the dogs several things.

They look at a human’s expression while listening to the tone of their voice.

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By doing this, they can distinguish human anger, joy, sadness, etc.

Nao has quite the following of fans because of her spunky antics.

She and her owner live in Belgium, where she has her own Facebook page with almost 4,000 followers.

The pup-parazzi also follow her on Instagram and YouTube with 370,039 followers!

The tiny black satin pug has become a ‘pug-lebrity’ of social media!

Next time you find a dog tilting their head as you talk to them, remember they are trying to understand your voice and the expression or mood that is behind it.

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