Anything for a Treat: Watch Eve the Red Nose Pitbull Balance 4 Mini Pumpkins On Her Snout!


For a dog, balancing something on their snout takes a lot of patience—something, that my dog Albi lacks.

Eve, the adorable little red nose Pitbull showed off her balancing skills—and patience—in this video by balancing not one or two—but, FOUR mini Pumpkins on her snout like a pro!

This little good girl sat patiently as her owner brought over the mini pumpkins and placed them one over the other on the dog’s snout.

Eve sniffed all the pumpkins patiently as her owner stacked them on her snout, right in between her eyes—not moving an inch!

One after the other, the pumpkins kept staking up but, Eve was a patient little good girl who adhered to the “Stay” command.

The stack did wiggle a little but, was still able to stay put.

After the 4th pumpkin was stacked, this adorable little Pitbull balanced it for a whopping 45 seconds before her owner took them off.

After all the hard work, Eve was rewarded for her patience and balancing skills with yummy treats!

As a bonus skill, the video also shows Eve getting another yummy treat after she sits on her hind legs.

What a good girl!

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