After The Loss Of Their Beloved Dog, A Wife Surprises Her Husband With A Pug Puppy!

After The Loss Of Their Beloved Dog A Wife Surprises Her Husband With A Pug Puppy FI

We have such fond memories of our childhood dog and how that dog was our best friend

As adults, our dogs are not only a best friend, but they are our kids. 

There’s nothing that compares to a wet puppy kiss, or a wagging tail greeting us at the door after a long day at work. 

One such couple knows the deep loss of losing a dog when their dog passed. Years passed with their house absent of barking or the pitter-patter of paws. 

Sitting on the sofa working the afternoon away on his laptop, Mr. James didn’t hear his wife, Shelley, pull up in the driveway. 

She quietly exited the car with a bundle in her arms that was warm and fuzzy.

As she walked to the back patio door, you could sense her anticipation building. Once inside the house, she called out for her husband. 

Rounding the corner there he was on the sofa working. He looked up to find his wife standing there with a sweet little pug puppy in her arms.

He immediately put his laptop aside and grabbed the puppy. Mr. James melted and appeared on the verge of tears. 

The pug puppy lovingly began to lick and paw at its new daddy’s chin and was so happy.

The funny thing is, you couldn’t tell who was happier; the pug puppy or Mr. James!

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