Adorable little Kia the Pitbull was born with a defect that changed the quality of her life.
The little Pitbull had a cleft lip, which meant that a part of her face was missing.
This condition occurs when the tissue that makes up the lip doesn’t completely join before birth.
So, essentially, the dog is left with an opening in the upper lip.
This is a rare condition, and it often requires surgery.
Apart from the cleft lip, the left side of Kia’s teeth grew in an upward manner instead of straight, which didn’t look visually appealing to many.
Additionally, this little Pitbull also drools all over the floor and snores very loudly—not qualities that most people are looking in their pets.
Unfortunately, this resulted in the dog having to face some trauma in her formative years.
Related: Two Frightened Pitbulls Left To Die In The Streets
Three different families abandoned this little bundle of joy.
Pitbulls do not have a good reputation, to begin with, and are consistently called out for being a problematic breed–owing to the breed’s bloody past.
That, added with Kia’s unique appearance made it difficult for her to get adopted.
People naturally assumed that Kia got her looks in a game of dog fighting!
And, no one needs a Pitbull who’s been in the fighting business.
However, things turned around quite nicely for this adorable little Pitbull as she finally found the unconditional love she deserved from Lindsey Christiansen—her new adoptive mother!
Lindsey adopted the grey-haired Pitbull in Utah from the Cache Humane Society.
After seven years of searching, Kia finally got to move to her forever home! She is now loved, cherished, and adored as all dogs should be.
However, because of Kia’s unique looks, Lindsey has been asked the question, “Why would someone get a dog like that!?”
When Lindsey, a mother of four and her family first learned about this unadoptable Pitbull, the compassion in their heart compelled them to adopt Kia.
“We think she is amazing. She has such a huge smile, and she doesn’t realize she is any different.”
The scariest thing about Kia, according to Lindsey, is probably her snoring!
“My husband snores, but Kia sounds like a freight train. Her lip blows back and forth when she takes a breath, so you get flapping sounds as well.”
The family believes that Kia is any other dog with a cleft lip.
With Lindsey and her family, Kia finally got the happy ending that she deserves.
The family loves the dog and treats her like a dog is supposed to be treated—with unconditional love, care, and compassion.
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