Puggy Tantrum When Told “It’s Bedtime”

puggy tantrum when told its bedtime fi

A pug that acts like a toddler when it comes to defying mom at bedtime!

As parents, many of us know the temper tantrums and defiant behavior that toddlers and small children have. Have you ever seen such in a dog?

One such little dog with a talent for not heeding his mom’s instructions is Grimley, the pug. Janine Hornsby is the proud mom of Grimley.

Grimley and his family live in the United Kingdom in a lovely little home that they share with two other pets; a macaw and French Bulldog

Grimley seemingly thinks he has his mom wrapped around his little paw when it comes to being told what to do.

In the evening when it’s time for the lights to go out, and everyone heads off to bed, one little fellow decides he wants to stay up.

Janine tells Grimley, “It’s time for bed.” What does he do? He bends down attempting to refuse and hide his face. Again, she tells him, “It’s time for bed.” This time he avoids her by running under the bed to hide.

Grimley has a lot of tricks up his sleeve when it comes to defying his mom. When he is told “no” to something, he does it anyways.

One such incidence was going after a bag of chips on a shelf. He also makes his demands known when he wants to eat.

It’s comical to watch him as he stands in front of Janine, making a growl and grumble combination to gain her full attention.

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This little pug is full of personality – and attitude!

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