Heart touching reunion with owner after police found stolen pug!
As dog lovers, our hearts sink we hear news about someone’s dog being stolen.
Kate Witham of Harlow (Essex), U.K. came home to discover her house had not only been broken into and robbed, but her precious pug (Lola) was taken too.
Lola was thankfully found and recovered at a residence in Harlow where police went in on a search warrant.
They carried Lola back to police headquarters where they contacted her owner.
Kate rushed to the police station to reclaim her pug.
The reunion of dog and owner was caught on one of the officer’s body camera.
Lola and the officer walked out to where her owner was waiting.
As she turned her head in the direction of her mommy, she took off running as Kate called for her.
She jumped into Kate’s arms and was elated to see her owner. Lick after lick and tail wagging, Lola greeted Kate.
The reunion was emotional and full of joy!
Inspector Alison Hooper of the Essex Police reported that there was a spike in burglaries in the Harlow area.
If it weren’t for the investigating force behind the police department, Lola might not have been found.
Stolen dogs are on the rise in the U.K. One out of every two homes in the U.K. has pets and when the home is burgled, the pets are often stolen.
There were 1,774 dogs stolen from homes in the U.K. alone in one year. Home invaders steal pets to make a profit by selling them.
Luckily, the Essex police made a successful arrest of Lola’s kidnappers. Two men and one woman were charged.
Lola is one happy girl after going through such a terrible ordeal.
Pugs are so precious