A 100-pound pit bull named Fury not only stands guard over his human toddler but also sleeps with the child.
After going through a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, the toddler has suffered from anxiety and finds comfort in having Fury by her side.
One night, the nanny camera in the toddler’s room caught something that was not only sweet, but was evidence of the love a dog has for its family.
Fury normally slept on the floor next to the toddler’s bed. However, this particular night the toddler invited Fury up into her bed.
There Fury climbed up and laid down next to the toddler.
Lovingly, the toddler took her blanket and covered Fury. Both toddler and Fury were nestled together under one blanket sleeping.
Parents Under Scrutiny
This story has received a lot of negative comments on the fact that pit bulls cannot be trusted to be alone with children.
The parents became criticized for allowing the dog to sleep with the toddler.
The father of the toddler responded to the scrutiny by saying,
“I agree never to keep a child and animal unsupervised but have done over 100 hours of training with the dog, and there’s one thing I know. Fury isn’t just any animal. He knows it’s his job to have our child under his protection and to be her service dog anyway she needs.”
The Love And Trust Of A Dog
There are those that are quick to judge especially when it comes to pit bulls.
The history and stereotypical background of pit bulls has had a negative impact on our culture.
Many people assume that all pit bulls are dangerous.
If appropriately trained, loved and nurtured, a pit bull becomes a valuable member of the family.
And just like Fury, pit bulls can be lovable and protective.
This little girl’s father provided Fury with adequate training to have peace of mind to trust the dog with his most prized possession:
His child.
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I agree with the dad, when properly trained there is nothing wrong with having a lot. I owe my life to my first service pit.
This is awesome to see this child have the love of a dog in this way. St