Posey the Pitbull Defies All Odds While Lifting Lives of Others
An exceptional patient visited an animal clinic one day, and little did the veterinarian know that her life was about to change forever!
Dr. Christina Grant, a veterinarian with Vet Med in Phoenix, Arizona, walked into the exam room to see Posey the pit bull sitting there waiting to be seen.
Mayday Pit Bull Rescue rescued Posey from the local animal shelter.
They were not sure what was wrong with her because she appeared to have her legs drawn up to her chest and had trouble walking.
So they decided to have a vet take a look at her.
Dr. Grant examined Posey confirming the diagnosis of congenital dwarfism.
Posey needed treatment, including physical therapy, to be able to thrive and function.
She took Posey in as a foster and helped her through intense physical therapy.
Posey not only regained some mobility, but Dr. Grant fell in love with this special needs dog.
Dr. Grant adopted Posey and has since put her through therapy dog training which Posey proudly graduated from in April 2015.
She travels around in a special wagon that her mom (Dr. Grant) pulls.
You can find them visiting elementary schools where Posey provides therapy for at-risk children.
They often visit libraries for special visits during children’s reading programs.
Dr. Grant, who also happens to be the medical director for One Love Pit Bull Foundation, is an advocate for pit bulls.
“Posey is a great example for what pit bulls really are and the great breed they can be,” states Dr. Grant.
A pit bull such as Posey has so much to offer. Regardless of her special needs, she is therapeutic in providing companionship and love to others.
This sweet dog does not allow her disability to get in the way of reaching out to humans.
Can you imagine the possibilities that lie within the many pit bulls that go overlooked in shelters?
If we gave those dogs a chance, they could provide just as much love as Posey does for people that are starving for companionship and the unconditional love of a dog.
The false perception that all pit bulls are bad has been blasted ‘right out of the water’ by Posey and the other pit bulls that have sweet, successful stories as this.