Shortcake’s smile caught her adoptive mom’s attention.
How many dogs have you seen with a great big smile that goes ear to ear?
However unusual it may be, Lady Shortcake the pit bull has this unique ability to smile.
It’s a fantastic thing to witness not only in a dog but in a breed that many deem dangerous and aggressive.
“My Smile Hooked My Pet-Mom!”
I was abandoned on the streets of Fresno, California, by my owner. They did not love me and never took care of me.
My whole body was itchy and scratchy. I lost almost all of my fur, and my skin had big bumps and sores.
On my belly was a lumpy thing that hurt a lot.
One day some friendly people from Fresno Bully Rescue put me in a car and took me to their big house.
They gave me a nice warm bath and put medicine all over my skin. I got to eat all kinds of excellent food.
I have been hungry for so long. It was a treat to drink clean water too!
I know I did not look very pretty because of having mange, but I kept a smile on my face regardless.
I was happy not having to live in the streets.
A lady and man named Joseph and Amy Matsushima came to visit me one day in this big rescue house.
Who were these people? Why were they smiling back at me? They hugged me ignoring the yucky look of my skin.
My heart felt good when I got hugs. It made me smile even more.
Before I knew it, Joseph and Amy were taking me to their car. Where were we going to? We got in their car and rode a long time.
How come I had to leave the big house where the other dogs were?
When we pulled up in front of a small house, Joseph and Amy told me we were home.
Home? Was I home? Was I adopted? They were my new daddy and mommy! My smile got even bigger. I was home.
We dub you “Lady Shortcake”
Joseph and Amy Matsushima drove several hours to Fresno Bully Rescue to adopt this sweet pit bull riddled with mange and suffering with a hernia.
Amy happened to see a photo of this dog and was immediately drawn to the great big smile on its face. She knew this was going to be their dog.
They named the pit bull, “Lady Shortcake.” Ever since they brought Lady Shortcake home, she has not stopped smiling.
Her contentness is evident in her facial expression. This dog was undoubtedly unique and different.
Joseph and Amy are co-founders of Denizen Company, which is an exclusive agency in Culver City, California.
They produce and manage integrated content and have prominent clients such as Disney, McDonald’s, Netflix, and Nintendo.
Their website features Lady Shortcake in the “About” section, where she proudly sits with a great big smile above her captioned title of “Mascot.”
Lady Shortcake has a large following on her social media feeds to include Instagram and Facebook.
The numerous photos of her include her beautiful and infectious smile, of course!
A Bad Start With A Happy Ending
Through the abuse of her first owner, the pain and hair loss of the mange, and having to endure the stress of going into a shelter, Lady Shortcake has risen above it all with such a pleasant disposition.
Her bad days are behind her, and there’s nothing happier than to have loving parents like Joseph and Amy.
Lady Shortcake’s smile is her famous trademark, but also, too, was her saving grace.
Many pit bulls that don’t have this unique ability to express themselves sit in shelters being passed over day after day.
They want to smile, and they want to find someone to adopt them and love them unconditionally.
Don’t look past a pit bull as you peruse the numerous adoptable dogs.
There’s a whole lot of smiles that are within these pit bulls just waiting to come out!
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