Can I Give My Dog Something For Allergies

Can I Give My Dog Something For Allergies

Allergies affect humans and dogs alike.

For us humans, there are a lot of anti-allergy medicines available over the counter but, can you give something to your dog for relief?

Allergies can be frustrating—especially since your furry friend doesn’t have any idea what’s going on and can’t communicate to you how he feels.

So, it is up to you to pin down the allergens and relieve your dog’s symptoms.

Various types of allergies affect dogs.

Your furry friend could be allergic to his food but, commonly, it’s the environmental factors that are to be blamed for allergic reactions.

In this article, I will answer the question, “Can I give my dog something for allergies?” in detail and share everything there is to know about the topic.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Can I Give My Dog Something For Allergies?: A Few Options

Yes, there are a few things that’ll help you alleviate your dog’s symptoms.

Dogs are sometimes given antihistamines and steroids when they suffer from an allergic reaction but, there are better and safer alternatives also available.

Over the counter medicines such as Claritin and Zyrtec should be a last resort.

You should keep in mind that thousands of dogs pass away due to dangerous pills every year.

To keep your pet completely safe, you should get blood work done in case your furry friend has been undergoing frequent and recurrent allergies.

Your vet will help you out in figuring out what exactly is causing the allergic reaction and how you should go about it.

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Popping a pill may be convenient but, it is not the safest.

In case your pet’s allergen is air-borne, there are several blockers available on the market that’ll help overcome this issue.

Some Common Symptoms

It’s not only skin problems that affect dogs when they have an allergic reaction. Following are some allergy-related symptoms:

It is natural that you’d want to do everything in your power to help your dog get some relief from these symptoms of allergy.

However, you should also keep in mind to never give your dog human medication as it can be downright toxic.

You should call a vet and figure something out instead.

Human medicine, even in small doses, can prove to have adverse side effects that outweigh the benefits.

Finding the Source of the Problem: Nip it in the Bud

In this section of the post, we will go through some of the common allergens and how you can tackle them safely and securely.

Let’s take a look.

Environmental Factors

One of the most common reasons for seasonal allergies in dogs is seasonal pollen. The levels of pollen peak in the late afternoon or early mornings.

This is the most probable source if your dog reacts after you take him out for a walk.

Other common allergens include pollen and grass.

If you’ve recently moved and observed the allergy, this is because different parts of the country have different environmental allergens.

If the allergen is airborne, your dog will respond well to an allergen blocker.

Household Sources

Your house can also be filled with allergens with the most common sources being the furniture and carpets.

Other than that, mold spores and dust mites can also cause your doggy to have an allergic reaction inside the house.

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In this case, make sure that you change air filters regularly and steam clean rugs and floors.

If you are a smoker, the chances are that it is the second-hand smoke that may be causing an allergic reaction.

Reactions to Foods

Does your dog sit under the table while you’re having a meal and beg for scraps?

That could be one of the problems as well!

Human foods can cause your dog to have an allergic reaction.

If you’ve switched your dog over to another brand of kibble, the chances are that one of the ingredients isn’t suiting your dog.

It is a good idea to enforce the ‘no table scraps’ rule.

Your dog will beg and show you those irresistible puppy-dog eyes but, you have to be strong to rule this allergen out.

Treating Allergies in Dogs

The first and the most important step in treating allergies in dogs is to figure out what is causing the allergies.

If it is something preventable, you can take the allergen out of the environment.

You can also consult your vet and look at the treatment options available.

Can I Give My Dog Something For Allergies?

Yes, there are a few things that’ll help you alleviate your dog’s symptoms.

Dogs are sometimes given antihistamines and steroids when they suffer from an allergic reaction but, there are better and safer alternatives also available.

Over the counter medicines such as Claritin and Zyrtec should be a last resort as they can cause your dog to have adverse side effects.

So, it is a good idea to first figure out the source of allergy and tackle it afterward.

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