A boy, his dog and their shared adversity that doesn’t keep either of them down!


Cancer is rapidly becoming a common diagnosis in people of any race, age, religious association, and financial situation.

A boy named Quinn knows the struggle of cancer all too well.

Source: YouTube

Quinn Scharn is a 12-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with cancer since he was just a baby.

His mother, Teresa Howell states, “He was first diagnosed as a baby, went through a year of chemo, [and had] many operations.”

No infant or child should ever have to begin their life this way. Quinn could have easily let this hardship bring him down. But, his spirit stayed strong!

Source: YouTube

When Quinn was ten years old; his spirit was tested yet again. Another cancer diagnosis.

This time around the cancer was in his hip and leg. “He had two different kinds of cancers,” said his mother.

Unfortunately, Quinn’s latest cancer diagnosis meant that the doctors would have to amputate his right leg in hopes of controlling the cancer’s spreading.

While Quinn lay in the hospital the day of his surgery, he stated that he would like to adopt a dog with three legs.

Source: YouTube


Quinn’s mother searched high and low for the perfect three legged dog to bring home to her son.

Two years of searching and she finally found him! She came across the Facebook page of the Front Street Animal Shelter.

They had a dog named Logan who seemed to have been hit by a car.

His injuries were so substantial that Logan needed to have one of his front legs amputated.

Quinn’s mother instantly felt a connection to Logan and knew he was meant to be a member of their family, especially because of what both of them had been through.

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Source: YouTube

Logan, like most dogs that have one of their limbs amputated, adjusted to his new life quickly and like Quinn, his spirit never faulted!

“He [Logan] just fits right in,” stated Quinn.

Quinn thoroughly believes that Logan is the best gift that he could have ever asked for!

In the end, what could be cherished more than a best friend who shares your struggles as well as your spirit?


Quinn’s mother began to tear up as she talked about what her son has been through.

“The things kids go through in treatment it’s very hard to watch,” she said. “Especially if it’s your child and for anyone who knows Quinn.

He’s pretty inspiring.”

Quinn is currently finished with cancer treatments and physical therapy and continues on the road to full recovery with his mother and his best friend by his side!

The three of them plan to lead an exciting and happy life together that is sure to include everything from training Logan to the many adventures they are sure to have.

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